
Digital Marketing Overview

  • What is marketing?
  • What is Digital Marketing?
  • Understanding Marketing Process
  • Why Digital Marketing Wins Over traditional Marketing ? Understanding Digital Marketing Process
  • Increasing Visibility What is visibility? Types of visibility Examples of visibility
  • Visitors Engagement
  • Bringing Targeted Traffic
  • Converting Traffic into Leads
  • Tools Needed

Website Design and creation

  • Understanding Internet
  • Understanding websites
  • Understanding domain names & domain extensions
  • What is web server & web hosting
  • Different types of web servers
  • Different types of websites
  • Based on functionality Based on purpose
  • Planning & Conceptualizing a Website
  • Booking a domain name & web hosting Adding domain name to web Server Adding webpages & content
  • Adding Plugins
  • Building website using CMS in Class
  • Identifying objective of website Deciding on number of pages required Planning for engagement options Creating blueprint of every webpage

SEO-Search Engine optimization

  • What is SEO?
  • What are search engines?
  • How search engines work
  • Major functions of a search engine
  • What are keywords?
  • Different types of keywords
  • Google keyword planner tool
  • Keywords research process
  • Understanding keywords mix
  • Google Operator: So that you can find anything on the web On page optimization
  • What are primary keywords, secondary keywords and tertiary keywords? Keywords optimization
  • Content optimization & planning
  • Understanding your audience for content planning
  • What is the difference between keywords stuffing & keyword placement Internal linking
  • Meta tags creation
  • Creating Webpage in Wordpress and WIX
  • Using google webmasters tool & website verification Sitemap creation & submission in website & webmasters How to write an optimized content
  • How to write a content for article, blog and press release
  • Off Page optimization
  • What is Domain Authority?
  • How to increase Domain Authority
  • What are back links?
  • Types of back links
  • What is link building?
  • Types of link building
  • Do’s and Dont’s of link building
  • Link building strategies for your business Easy link acquisition techniques
  • Local SEO
  • Citation
  • Top tools for SEO
  • Monitoring SEO process
  • Preparing SEO reports
  • How to create SEO Strategy for your business
  • Importance of domain and page authority
  • How to optimize exact keywords for your business
  • What is Google Panda Algorithm?
  • What is Google Penguin?
  • What is Google EMD Update?
  • How to save your site from Google Panda, Penguin and EMD Update How to recover your site from Panda, Penguin and EMD

PPC Advertising & Google adwords

  • Google AdWords Overview
  • Understanding inorganic search results Introduction to Google Adwords & PPC advertising
  • Overview of Microsoft Adcenter (Bing & Yahoo) Setting up Google Adwords account Understanding Adwords account structure
  • Campaigns, Adgroups, Ads, Keywords, etc Types of Advertising campaigns- Search, Display, Shopping & video
  • Difference between search & display campaign
  • Understanding Adwords Algorithm
  • How does Adwords rank ads
  • Understanding Adwords algorithm (adrank) in detail with example
  • What is quality score
  • Why quality score is important
  • What is CTR?
  • Why CTR is important?
  • Understanding bids
  • Creating Search Campaigns
  • Types of Search Campaigns - Standard,
  • All features, dynamic search & product listing Google merchant center.
  • Creating our 1st search campaign
  • Doing campaign level settings Understanding location targeting
  • Different types of location targeting
  • What is bidding strategy?
  • Understanding different types of bid strategy
  • Manual
  • Auto
  • Advanced level bid strategies
  • Enhanced CPC
  • CPA
  • What are flexible bidding strategies? Understanding flexible bidding strategy Pros & Cons of different bid strategies Understanding ad-extensions
  • Types of ad-extensions
  • Adding ad-extensions in our campaign Creating adgroups
  • Finding relevant adgroups options using tools
  • Creating adgroups using tool Understanding keywords
  • Finding relevant keywords Adding keywords in ad-group Using keyword planner tool Understanding types of keywords Board, Phrase, exact, synonym & negative
  • Examples of types of keywords Pros and cons of diff. types of keywords
  • Creating ads
  • Understanding ad metrics
  • Display & destination URL
  • How to write a compelling ad copy Best & worst examples of ads Creating ads
  • Tracking Performance/Conversion
  • What is conversion tracking?
  • Why is it important
  • How to set up conversion tracking Adding tracking code in your website Checking conversion stats
  • Optimizing Search Campaigns
  • How to optimize campaigns at the time of creation?
  • Optimizing campaign via adgroups
  • Importance of CTR in optimization How to increase CTR
  • Importance of quality score in optimization
  • How to increase quality score Importance of negative keywords in optimization
  • Evaluating campaign stats Optimizing with conversion report Optimizing with keywords
  • Optimizing performing keywords Optimizing non performing keywords How to decrease CPC
  • Analyzing your competitors performance
  • Creating Display Campaign
  • Types of display campaigns- All features, Mobile app, Remarketing, Engagement Creating 1st display campaign Difference in search & display campaign settings
  • Doing campaign level settings Understanding CPM bid strategy Advance settings
  • Ad-scheduling
  • Ad-delivery
  • Understanding ads placement Creating diff. adgroups
  • Using display planner tool Finding relevant websites for ads placement
  • Creating text ads
  • Creating banner ads using tools Uploading banner ads
  • Optimizing Display Campaign Remarketing
  • What is remarketing?
  • Setting up remarketing campaign Creating Remarketing lists Advanced Level list creation Custom audience

Google Analytics

  • Introduction to Google Analytics
  • How Google analytics works
  • Understanding Google analytics account structure
  • Understanding Google analytics insights
  • Understanding cookie tracking
  • Types of cookie tracking used by Google analytics
  • Starting with Google analytics
  • How to set up analytics account
  • How to add analytics code in website
  • Understanding goals and conversions
  • How to setup goals
  • Understanding different types of goals
  • Understanding bounce & bounce rate
  • Difference between exit rate & bounce rate
  • How to reduce bounce rate
  • How to set up funnels in goals
  • Importance of funnels
  • How to integrate adwords and analytics account
  • Benefits of integrating adwords & analytics
  • Measuring performance of marketing campaigns via Google analytics What is link tagging
  • How to set up link tagging
  • Understanding filters & segments
  • How to set up filters & segments
  • How to view customized reports
  • Monitoring traffic sources
  • Monitoring traffic behavior
  • Taking corrective actions if required

Social Media Marketing

  • What is Social Media?
  • Understanding the existing Social Media paradigms & psychology How social media marketing is different than others
  • Forms of Internet marketing
  • Facebook marketing
  • Understanding Facebook marketing Practical session 1
  • Creating Facebook page Uploading contacts for invitation Exercise on fan page wall posting
  • Increasing fans on fan page
  • How to do marketing on fan page (with examples) Fan engagement
  • Important apps to do fan page marketing Facebook advertising
  • Types of Facebook advertising
  • Best practices for Facebook advertising Understanding Facebook best practices Understanding edgerank and art of engagement Practical Session 2
  • Creating Facebook advertising campaign Targeting in ad campaign
  • Payment module- CPC vs CPM vs CPA Setting up conversion tracking
  • Using power editor tool for adv.
  • Advanced Facebook advertising using tools like Qwaya
  • Linkedin Marketing
  • What is LinkedIn?
  • Understanding LinkedIn
  • Company profile vs Individual profiles Understanding Linkedin groups
  • How to do marketing on LinkedIn groups Linkedin advertising & it’s best practices Increasing ROI from LinkedIn ads Linkedin publishing
  • Company pages
  • Adv on linkedIn
  • Display vs text
  • Twitter Marketing
  • Understanding Twitter
  • Tools to listen & measure Influence on Twitter: TweetDeck, Klout, PeerIndex How to do marketing on Twitter
  • Black hat techniques of twitter marketing
  • Advertising on Twitter
  • Creating campaigns
  • Types of ads
  • Tools for twitter marketing
  • Twitter Advertising
  • Twitter Cards
  • Video Marketing
  • Understanding Video Campaign
  • Creating 1st Video Campaign
  • Importance of video marketing
  • Benefits of video marketing
  • Uploading videos on video marketing websites Using youtube for business
  • Developing youtube video marketing Strategy Bringing visitors from youtube videos to your website Creating Video ADgroups
  • Targeting Options
  • Understanding Bid Strategy

Mobile Marketing,SMS marketing & Email Marketing

  • What is email marketing?
  • How email works?
  • Challenges faced in sending bulk emails
  • How to over come these challenges?
  • Types of email marketing- Opt-in & bulk emailing
  • What is opt-in email marketing?
  • Setting up email marketing account
  • Best platforms to do opt-in email marketing
  • Setting up lists & web form
  • Creating a broadcast email
  • What are auto responders?
  • Setting up auto responders
  • How to do bulk emailing?
  • Best practices to send bulk emails
  • Tricks to land in inbox instead of spam folder
  • Top email marketing software’s & a glimpse of how to use them Improving ROI with A/B testing